Colt Firearms and Case Pocket knives.
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CCC – 3 Family Traditions Mint Sets

In 2008. the CCC members were offered a new opportunity.   It was a two knife mint set of a medium and tiny toothpick-the “Family”.    The knives have cabernet bone handles, scrolled bolsters, long tail C serial numbers, and Family Traditions blade work.  Uniquely, the two knives were paired in a wooden box shaped to look like the knives inside.  500 sets were made, and a new CCC tradition was born.   The factory priced this set at about $150.

After the first year, the boxes would all have laser art work to more closely resemble the front of the pair of knifes inside.   But all knives would carry the same general characteristics: cabernet jigged bone,  deluxe scrolls in the XX style,  Family Traditions blade work, etc.  It should be noted that the 2010 set only had a single knife, the seahorse whittler.  The Family Traditions sets currently ended in 2014.

Here the Families are:  2008-medium and tiny Toothpicks, 2009-Canoe and Baby Butterbean, 2010-Seahorse Whittler, 2011-Cheetah and Cheetah Cub, 2012-Trapper and Mini-Trapper, 2013-CopperLock and Mini-CopperLock, and in 2014 two different size stockmen were paired.  The original prices on all these sets were in  the neighborhood of $150.  Actual selling prices in 2023 vary from $400+ to almost $700.  Case Collectors  are chasing these beautiful, unique, limited mint sets.