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Limited Edition IV – A 10 knife set with 21 knives

The Limited Edition series is very popular with Case Collectors. (You can see details on the first 25 sets here at Here are some interesting facts about the Limited Editions.
Limited Edition 1 (1995-96) did not have a mint set made with it. Ten knives were sold in set I with 2500 total sets made.
The mint sets were first produced in LE II. 250 sets of ten knives were produced with scrolled bolsters and serial numbers.
The first 5 sets were made with ten knives, but LE VI or 6 was produced with only 8 knives. The 8 knife set would become the new standard for both the regular and mint sets.
Because of increasing demand, by Limited Edition XIV (14), the number of sets increased to 3,000 but still with 8 knives in the set.
When I set out to document each knife in the various sets as well as finding a selling price for each individual knife in that set, I began to notice that some knives were made with different years. For example: a 1998 set might have a canoe with a 1998 date, but the same canoe might show up with a 1997 date. If the rest of the knives showed up with 1998 dates, then the canoe with two dates would each be rarer than the other knives. And collectors would want to know about this hidden rarity within a set. As time went by this became more and more interesting, and so today, I want to tell you about Limited Edition IV or 4.
Limited Edition IV was a ten knife set with black handles and a Saturn shield. So far I have identified 21 different knives from this set. Yes, in order to have a complete ten knife set, you would want to collect 21 knifes.  Here are some facts about IV. Knife 61100 SS has a 1997 tang stamp date only so far. But the C61050 SS can be found with 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 tang stamp dates. Each of these knives will be much rarer than the other knives in the set.  As I said, 21 different year date stamps can be found for the ten knife set.
If you love knowing these kinds of details, and the prices that each of these knives actually sold for then you need to be a member of There is nothing else like it, and it gets better every day. I have attached a few pictures from LE IV to show the dates. As you can tell can help you find hidden rarity.