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CCC Knives – 2 The Junior Members

The Case factory initially launched the Case Collectors Club in 1981, and until 1989 only made one knife a year.  But in 1990, as the club grew, the factory began to make annual knives for Junior, Regular and Life Members.

This post deals with the Junior Member knives.  The initial knife was made in 1990, one per year followed,  and Juniors continue to be made today.  I have documented 37 variations thru 2019.   The knives came with individual COA’s.  The boxes will vary from ornate to cardboard regular production styles.   In general, the Junior member knives carried the lowest prices of the three knife offers for that year.  The knives have long tail C serial numbers.   Also knives may be found with an L as the first part of the serial number.  Life Members could buy all three knives in a package starting in 1990.  5 of the knives have deluxe duplicates created in addition to the conventional Junior knives.  A few knives also found with tang dates different than the blade year, but also found the with matching tang and blade years.


To see all the Junior Member knives, go to the Advanced Search page then open the Special Collector Searches.  Open Club Name and search on the line that says “Case Collector’s Club-Junior Members”.