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Case Collectors Club Knives-Summary and Finders Guide

In the table below you can see the 8 subcategories of CCC knives with their quantities. The second image shows part of the expanded Special Collector Searches tab from the Knife Search Page. The top arrow points to Collector Club. If you open this dropdown you can click on any of 8 club subcategories and search to find, for example, only the Knife Forum CCC knives.
The second arrow points to Named Group. I have clicked on Case Collector’s Club-All Knives inside this group. Clicking search will now show you all 280 CCC knives and their actual selling prices. Also you have the other search fields available to you. For example, you could put 2010 – 2011 in the year range and see all the CCC knives made in those two years. Or, you could put 6254 in the model number and get the bone handled CCC trappers, or you could put stag in remarks to see the stag handled CCC knives. Or… you could find whatever combination you would like.