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Introducing a New and Improved KnifeDB!
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It’s still free.
The site works on all devices, including smartphones, laptops, and desktops.
18,000 CASE XX pocket knives before 2011 listed with 19,000 detailed pictures.
Over 25,000 individual knife selling prices with date sold and knife condition.
The “My Collection” feature has been rewritten and improved. If you buy and sell, the site calculates net profit.
If you are one of the hundreds of collectors using the old “my collection”, it has been moved to the new site for you.
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Over 680 preprogrammed searches at your fingertips.
Two of us work on improving and editing this database almost every day. While we may not have ALL of anything, we have MOST of everything.
Find a new knife or an error on a listing, send us the details, and we will add your name to that listing as an Authority
Videos on CASE XX knives, and using
User-driven statistical routines: for example, how many peanuts made each year since 1970?
Rare knife listings