The Flint River Knife Collectors Club
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Myth Buster?–Limited Edition XXVIII Mint Set

I am currently working on polishing club knives and sets.  Yesterday I worked on the  Limited Edition Mint Set XXVIII (28).  I had documented 4 knives and began to search for the 4 I was missing.  After 5 hours I had found all the knives and began to add actual selling prices for the individual knives.  But I could not find an individual knife selling price on three of the knives.    But I had three actual prices on the whole set.:  $925 (2019), $1.750 (2023), and $2,750 (2023).  When I don’t have the individual sales price, I divide the set price by 8 and use that price on each knife.  I mark these in the price table as a percentage of the set.

For years, I have operated on the assumption that dealers split sets because they will get more money that way.  But  that may have changed.   The lowest average price in the sets is $115.  Of the 8 individual knife selling prices, only two were higher than the  lowest average set price.    And NONE of the individual  selling prices was as high as the middle set price.

The prices on this set indicate it was worth much more money as a set than split up and sold individually.  This may be a singularity, but I will pay attention to this as I work on others.