The American Edge Collectors Association Knife Club -- A.E.C.A.
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CASE XX Mystery and Collector Challenge

The Mystery:  Were two knives listed on a COA ever made?

I was happily adding the COA below to the each of the 1994 Classic elephant toenail knives.   As I added it, I crossed that knife off the COA as completed.  Over the years I had added pictures of  almost all of them to , even the pearls made with only 20 copies.  Then I figured out that I didn’t have pictures of two of the knives.   They were:

200-REDBONE WITH ARROW SHIELD AND W. R. CASE & SONS TANG STAMP,  AND 200-GREENBONE WITH ARROW SHIELD AND W.R. CASE & SONS TANG STAMP from the middle of the COA.  So I started looking for them.  I checked all my usual sources and couldn’t find them.

The Collector Challenge:  If you have one of these, send me a good picture, and I will add it to the database with your name as the authority.  Remember it needs to be Case & Sons and not Case Brothers on the tang.